Use of arrayfun and sprintf to order data

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I have a 1x4cell (files) with 1x1struct in each cell. Each structure contains several variables. I would like to extract from each structure only the variables called: SL_X_Y, where X can be numbers from 1 to 7 and Y could be numbers from 1 to 3 i.e. SL_5_2. Not all the combinations are found in each structure. The resulting 1x4cell will only contain structures with the variables SL_X_Y that are found.


Guillaume 2016-9-27
编辑:Guillaume 2016-9-27
1. Create a function to filter the relevant fields of the structure:
function filtered = filterstruct(unfiltered)
%FILTERSTRUCT: keep only the fields of the structure which match SL_X_Y with X integer between 1 and 7 and Y integer between 1 and 3
fn = fieldnames(unfiltered); %list of all fields
toremove = cellfun(@isempty, regexp(fn, '^SL_[1-7]_[1-3]$', 'once')); %which fields do not match?
filtered = rmfield(unfiltered, fn(toremove)); %get rid of non matching fields
2. Apply cellfun:
cellfun(@filterstruct, yourcellarray, 'UniformOutput', false)
Note however, that it appears you use the variable names to store metadata about the variable content, which is not a good idea and the reason you're struggling. Better would have been to have just one SL field which is a 7x3 cell array / matrix. Extraction would have been trivial then.
edit: typo in the regex
  4 个评论
Isma_gp 2016-9-27
编辑:Isma_gp 2016-9-27
I have some troubles to make it work. I'm attaching an example of the input file. I would like a 7x3 cell array containing the SLAM_SH10_X_Y variables in the right cell (X=row Y=column), for each of the four structures.
Guillaume 2016-9-27
Of course, it doesn't work. In each function, the regular expression is looking for the pattern 'SL_X_Y' (as you originally stated), not 'SLAM_SH10_X_Y'. In addition, the X and Y limits don't match what you said (X goes up to 5, Y goes up to 7).
You need to change the regular expression accordingly.
This will do the filtering and transformation into a cell array. I've removed any restriction on the magnitude of X and Y. The cell array will be as big as necessary.
function filtered = filtertocell(unfiltered)
%FILTERTOCELL: filter a structure to only keep fields SLAM_SH10_X_Y and convert fields to 2D cell array
%X and Y are integers indicating the row, column respectively of the destination cell
validateattributes(unfiltered, {'struct'}, {'scalar', 'nonempty'});
fn = fieldnames(unfiltered);
rc = cellfun(@str2double, regexp(fn, '^SLAM_SH10_(\d+)_(\d+)$', 'tokens', 'once'), 'UniformOutput', false);
unshapedfiltered = struct2cell(rmfield(unfiltered, fn(cellfun(@isempty, rc))));
rc = vertcat(rc{:});
filtered = cell(max(rc));
filtered(sub2ind(size(filtered), rc(:, 1), rc(:, 2))) = unshapedfiltered;
cellfun(@filtertocell, files, 'UniformOutput', false)


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