input command makes figures irresponsive in Matlab R2016a

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I have a major problem with matlab R2016a. As it turns out, while the prompt is executing an "input" command, the figures that have been created before became irresponsive.
If one launches the following piece of code:
function myTest();
input('Now the figure menu will be irresponsive until you press some key! > ', 's');
function localFigure();
h = figure('menubar','none');
hmenu = uimenu(h,'Label','this is a menu');
hsubmenu = uimenu(hmenu,'Label','this is a submenu');
... one sees that while the input prompt is open, clicking on the menu tab (object tagged 'hmenu' in the code) of the created figure does not trigger the submenu (tagged 'hsubmenu').
This is a real problem for my real code. This real code works like a console (effectively an 'input' command inside a 'while/end' loop) where the user types commands that are interpreted by the code to launch different GUIs with different parameters. If previously launched GUIs become disabled while the console (i.e. an input command) is executed, my code is basically useless. Previous releases of Matlab did not present this issue, and my code ran smoothly. Now I am rather puzzled.... any idea on how to overcome this issue?
thanks! Daniel


Soma Ardhanareeswaran
编辑:Soma Ardhanareeswaran 2016-10-20
This is a bug in MATLAB R2016a. Please refer to

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