generic fourier descriptor

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
sathya 2012-3-1
回答: Lucas Silva 2017-11-25
hi i am implementing generic fourier descriptor in one step i have to calculate the maximum radius of the shape.mostly my shapes will not be circular.the objects i have in my image are gun,knife,waterbottle,i dont have idea of calculating radius for these shapes in code.pleas help me on this...

回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-3-1
For any one shape, it would be the maximum distance between the centroid of the shape and any point in the shape. So if you were to place a circle at the centroid of the shape, then what is the smallest circle radius that would include every point in the shape?

Lucas Silva
Lucas Silva 2017-11-25
Use the following idea:
1 - Binarize the image so that you have only the object to be described
2 - Take the centroid of this figure and the extreme points, use the "regionprops" command to have information about these two characteristics
3 - Make the Euclidean distance from each extreme point to the centroid and take the biggest


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