I have a problem where I would like to inegrate this function:
f(x) = exp(-g*(a-x)^2)./(((x-b).^2+c^2).*((x-d).^2+e^2));
where a,b,c,d,e,g are constants, and the variable is x.
My attempt was:
syms a b c d e g x real
f = exp(-g*(a-x)^2)/(((x-b)^2+c^2)*((x-d)^2+e^2)); Q = int(f,0,inf)
But it just returns:
Q =
int(exp(-g*(a - x)^2)/((c^2 + (b - x)^2)*(e^2 + (d - x)^2)), x, 0, Inf).
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and whether or not my solution even converges or not, because I tried this with Mathematica and it doesn't give me an output either. I've even tried to modify the function to:
f = (a-x)*exp(-g*(a-x)^2)/(((x-b)^2+c^2)*((x-d)^2+e^2));
But even that doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.