Export sldd to base workspace and get all entries

78 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, How to export entries present in simulink data dictionary to base workspace or in var in 2016 version following code is working for 2014
hDict = Simulink.dd.open([dict_name,'.sldd']);
childNamesList = hDict.getChildNames('Global');
for n = 1:numel(childNamesList)

回答(1 个)

Donn Shull
Donn Shull 2017-8-10
The method you show for 2014 uses an undocumented internal API which is subject to change without notice. Beginning with release R2015a there is a documented API for accessing Simulink Data Dictionaries. One way to implement the code you have shown using the documented API would be:
hDict = Simulink.data.dictionary.open([dict_name,'.sldd']);
hDesignData = hDict.getSection('Global');
childNamesList = hDesignData.evalin('who');
for n = 1:numel(childNamesList)
hEntry = hDesignData.getEntry(childNamesList{n});
assignin('base', hEntry.Name, hEntry.getValue);
  2 个评论
Sabarirajan 2020-7-19
I want to export SLDD to Excel, is there any way ?
How to get the Object class type (prameter / Simulink) for workspace or from SLDD (Object)
SL 2024-11-21
Thanks a lot, Donn, you have really helped me.
And Sabarirajan, this is what I do to export SLDD to Excel
% 指定 SLDD 文件路径
dict_name = 'myNewDictionary'
hDict = Simulink.data.dictionary.open([dict_name,'.sldd']);
section_name = 'DesignData';
hDesignData = hDict.getSection('Global');
childNamesList = hDesignData.evalin('who');
% 创建一个 cell 数组来存储所有的数据
data = cell(length(childNamesList), 2);
name_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
value_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
obj_type_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
DataType_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
StorageClass_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
HeaderFile_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
DefinitionFile_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
Dimensions_cell = repmat({''}, length(childNamesList), 1);
for n = 1:numel(childNamesList)
hEntry = hDesignData.getEntry(childNamesList{n});
% 存储条目名称和值到 cell 数组中
data{n, 1} = hEntry.Name;
data{n, 2} = hEntry.getValue;
name_cell{n} = hEntry.Name;
obj = data{n,2};
if strcmp(class(obj),'Simulink.Bus')
% do nothing
if strcmp(class(obj),'Simulink.Parameter')
if strcmp(obj.DataType,'single')
value_cell{n} = sprintf('%f ',obj.Value);
value_cell{n} = sprintf('%d ',obj.Value);
HeaderFile_cell{n} = obj.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile;
DefinitionFile_cell{n} = obj.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.DefinitionFile;
DataType_cell{n} = obj.DataType;
StorageClass_cell{n} = obj.CoderInfo.StorageClass;
Dimensions_cell{n} = sprintf('%d ',obj.Dimensions);
obj_type_cell{n} = class(obj);
tb = table(name_cell, obj_type_cell,DataType_cell,value_cell,StorageClass_cell,HeaderFile_cell,DefinitionFile_cell,Dimensions_cell);
% 将数据写入 Excel 表格


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