How to enable uipushtool 'ON' through guide for R2013a?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a push button and uipushtool. I have set the uipushtool enable to 'off' by default. I wish to enable 'on' the uipushtool upon clicking of the pushbutton. But I am unable to find a way to access the uipushtool handles. Hence I'm unable to turn on the uipushtool. I use MATLAB R2013a.
Thanks in advance!


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-10-31
Ideally, you would have saved the handle when you created the tool.
Otherwise, use findobj() with 'type' 'uipushtool' to get the handles of the tool. If you had given the uipushtool a unique tag you could findobj() on that tag.
  5 个评论
Thanigaivel Raja T
Thanigaivel Raja T 2016-10-31
编辑:Thanigaivel Raja T 2016-10-31
Thank you. I tried it was not happening. Anyways, I'll recreate the gui because there are lots of such problems which are not visible in the code. This time I'll do things carefully:)


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