how to embed image in shares if visual cryptography

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have two images A and B. Using A i created 2 shares share 1 and share 2. Now to right half of share 1 and left half of share 2 i want hide the image B. And then when i combine the encrypted shares i get to see the image B. please can someone help me


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-11-4
There is nothing in MATLAB to do that. You'll have to build it up based on lower level functions. Hopefully someone has written a paper on it, which I suspect since it looks like you got the image from a paper rather than thought it up yourself.
If a paper has been written on it, then you can probably find it here:
If no paper has been written on it and it's your completely new innovative idea, then I presume you must have some idea as to how it can be done. I just don't see how, if the images are all positive values, how you can add or average the two images and produce a hole in the middle. How did those positive noise pixels vanish? There must be something more going on than simple superposition.

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