prohibited zones

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
vydyam 2012-3-4
Can any body help me dealing with the code for the prohibited zones of operation in Pso. Actually I am dealing with economic load dispatch in that a equation will be there like, Ft=a*P^2+b*P+C and the value of the power should lie between as 100<P<400 but P should not be in the region from 200 to 220 .That means I have to get a solution that P should lie between 100 and 400 but should not lie between 200 and 220
  2 个评论
Jan 2012-3-4
It would be helpful if you use dots to separate the sentences of your question.
Could you please post more details?
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2012-3-4
@Jan, The question needs a lot more than a couple of dots and commas. I cannot tell if there is a single complete sentence, a run on sentence, or multiple sentences.


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