Cell array in a loop

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
gsourop 2016-11-9
评论: Mostafa 2016-11-13
Hi everyone,
I have created a cell array of dimensions 1x10, named A. Each element contains a 100x5 matrix. Hence, I got 10 matrices 100x5. However, I want to put every matrix of the cell array into a loop. If Bis a 100x5 matrix, the loop should look like:
for t=1:100;
At the end x should deliver a 1x10 cell array that will contain 10 elements of matrices 100x5.
I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance!

回答(1 个)

Mostafa 2016-11-9
编辑:Mostafa 2016-11-9
% B is already defined, a matrix of doubles
% A is already defined, a cell array of matrices
% B and the matrices in A have the same size
x = cellfun(@(X) B - X, A, 'UniformOutput', 0);
  6 个评论
Guillaume 2016-11-10
While preallocation is indeed advisable, my main reason for creating x beforehand was actually to demonstrate that cellfun creates an output the same shape as the input. Without that preallocation, the output is a row vector.
The problem with length is that you open yourself to bugs if in the future the input changes from vector to multidimensional. The above is a perfect example: if the input is a matrix instead of a vector, your loop will only process the first X elements of the ND cell array, where X is the size of the largest dimension.
My version with numel works with any shape and any number of dimensions.
For that reason, I never use length. If I want to operate over all the elements of the inputs (regardless of shape), I use numel. If I want to operate over a particular dimension, I use size with the dimension specified.
Mostafa 2016-11-13
I'm not arguing with your point, I'm saying that it's a personal preference in case of 1-D arrays (which was the case in the fore mentioned example). In my codes, whenever I see length, I immediately understand that I'm dealing with an array - not a matrix or an input of unspecified size.
I totally agree that the general form is to use numel, or even better: cellfun



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