How to populate a cell array?

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to create an array with 10 rows and each row should contain a [5x2] matrix.
I also want to know
(a)inserting data into it
(b)accessing the data.
Can anyone help? TIA.


Guillaume 2016-11-10
Which of your points is not covered by the documentation?
There are many ways of creating a cell array. Which one is most appropriate entirely depends what form the content comes in before it becomes a cell array
c = squeeze(num2cell(rand(5, 2, 10), [1 2])); %will create a 10x1 cell array of 5x2 matrices
c = arrayfun(@(~) rand(5,2), (1:10)', 'UniformOutput', false); %another way
c = mat2cell(rand(5*10, 2), ones(1,10)*5, 2); %another way
c = cell(10, 1); for idx = 1:10; c{idx} = rand(5,2); end; %and another way
%... and many more

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