I am using Simulink Raised Cosine Transmit Filter with a gain of 1 and the output about 1/5 of expected. I looked at an example project and it used 'rcfiltgaincompat(gcbh)' for the filter gain. I can't find any info on this.How is this param used?

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I am using Simulink Raised Cosine Transmit Filter with a gain of 1. The output is about 1/5 of expected. I looked at an example project and it uses 'rcfiltgaincompat(gcbh)' for the filter gain. I can't find any info on this. How is this param used?

回答(1 个)

zhang kai
zhang kai 2017-9-6
you can type "help rcfiltgaincompat" at the command window. actually this is a function and gcbh is "get current block handle". But, interestingly, you cannot find anything from the help browser. BTW I am using matlab2017a. the information for this function is as follows:
function g = rcfiltgaincompat(block) %RCFILTGAINCOMPAT Backwards compatible raised cosine filter gain % % This function is intended to be used by the raised cosine filter % upgrade code only. This function returns a gain value that ensures the % upgraded blocks provide the same filter coefficients. Do not use this % function for regular use of the blocks.
% Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc.


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