compare two matrix and keep only the elements in common

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am a beginner in matlab, and I need to compare to matrix and then keep only the elements present in both matrix in my 1st matrix (s(1).r). For this I compare the first column of each matrix. I've read the documentation and tried to write a code with ismember:
Lia = ismember(s(1).r(:,1), res_select(:,1)) ;
for ind = length(s(1).r)-1 : -1 : 1
if Lia(ind)==0
I think something is wrong, because I am supposed to find 1987 elements in common and I found close! Where is my mistake, or is there an easier way to do this? Thank you!! Aude


KSSV 2016-11-21
编辑:KSSV 2016-11-21
We don't have data to check your code. Note that, You need not to run a loop...simply use, s(1).r(Lia,:) to get the common elements.
As you have two sets and you want to pick the common elements, you can find intersection of both the arrays. Intersection gives you common elements. doc intersect.
Sometimes depending on the floating point numbers, ismember/ intersect may not work. That case, you need to fix a tolerance value and use ismemebrtol. doc ismembertol.
  3 个评论
KSSV 2016-11-21
You need not to remove the elements, Cc itself will have all common elements, what is length(Cc)?
Aude Rapet
Aude Rapet 2016-11-22
Ah yes you are right, length (Cc) is 1987! thank you very much for your help!


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