Colormap, how to get the color of the sea

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
This is an interesting question to me. I wanted to create a nice colormap with very smooth and gradual transition from white to sea blue. I tried to do it manually in colormap but it does not work out very well. Anybody who has explored this, or know some developed colormap?
Many thanks


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-12-1
Try a program where you can easily get the RGB values of some color of blue that you like, like (r,g,b) = (rBlue, gBlue, bBlue). Then use linspace().
numColors = 256; % Good value for 24/32 bit displays.
oceanRed = 15;
oceanGreen = 127;
oceanBlue = 230;
myColorMap = [linspace(oceanRed, 255, numColors)'/255,...
linspace(oceanGreen, 255, numColors)'/255,...
linspace(oceanBlue, 255, numColors)'/255]
colormap(gca, myColorMap);
  2 个评论
DGM 2023-1-3
编辑:DGM 2023-1-3
The variable numColors specifies the number of tuples (rows) in the colormap. It's easy enough to test.
numColors = 5; % change the value and see what happens
oceanRed = 15;
oceanGreen = 127;
oceanBlue = 230;
myColorMap = [linspace(oceanRed, 255, numColors)'/255,...
linspace(oceanGreen, 255, numColors)'/255,...
linspace(oceanBlue, 255, numColors)'/255]
myColorMap = 5×3
0.0588 0.4980 0.9020 0.2941 0.6235 0.9265 0.5294 0.7490 0.9510 0.7647 0.8745 0.9755 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000


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