How can I convert encoder data from CSV file to a speed plot?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have a CSV file containing raw encoder data and timestamps. I would like to convert this to speed of the motor and plot this speed as funcion of time.
regards Eddy

回答(1 个)

Jaswanth 2024-10-24
To convert your encoder data from a CSV file into a speed plot in MATLAB, start by loading CSV file in the MATLAB Workspace using MATLAB’s “readtable” function. Assuming the first column is time and the second is encoder counts, calculate the speed by determining the change in encoder counts over the change in time. Further, speed data can be plotted using the “plot” function.
Please refer to the following example code demonstrating the process described above:
% Load the CSV file
data = readtable('encoder_data.csv'); % Replace with your file name
% Extract time and encoder counts
time = data{:, 1}; % Time column
encoder_counts = data{:, 2}; % Encoder counts column
% Calculate changes in encoder counts and time
delta_counts = diff(encoder_counts);
delta_time = diff(time);
% Compute speed
speed = delta_counts ./ delta_time;
% Adjust time vector for plotting
time_for_speed = time(1:end-1) + delta_time / 2;
% Plot speed vs time
plot(time_for_speed, speed);
You may refer to the following MathWorks documentation to know more about the functions mentioned above:
I hope the solution provided above is helpful.


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