How to know what eval function is doing ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying out the deep learning toolbox of MatConvNet and while going through the demo, I saw a line of code
net.conserveMemory = false ;
net.eval({'data', imNorm, 'rois', rois});
I am confused as to what net.eval is doing because when I right click it to open "eval or net.eval" it says the file is not created. imNorm is an image and rois are just bounding boxes. This is the data structure for net. Or is net just assigning some values ? The actual computing is in another function ?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-12-5
In that situation eval() is a method of class DagNN. You can find the containing file with
which eval(net)

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