how to plot maximum and minimum point from excel column?

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I want to plot values of one column from excel file and mark all the minimum points in red * and maximum in green * this is what I got so far:
colA = xlsread('MinMaxVal.xlsx','B:B');
colB = xlsread('MinMaxVal.xlsx','B:B');
hold on;
I defined colB to use it for marking the points.

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2016-12-16
k = rand(100,1) ; % a random data, in your case your column read from excel
plot(k) ;
hold on
% plot maximum
[val,id] = max(k) ;
% plot minimum
[val,id] = min(k) ;
  2 个评论
Tsvi Weiss
Tsvi Weiss 2016-12-16
tnx i tried it and it show me only one min and one max points how can i find the entire local min and max points of the values and plot them on the same line? picture added of the all the points marked in green *the excel table has 2 columns (A: date B:value of the date) and 96 rows of values of each date (2 to 97)
KSSV 2016-12-16
k = rand(100,1) ; % a random data, in your case your column read from excel
plot(k) ;
hold on
mu = mean(k) ;
idx = 1:length(k) ;
% plot all maximums
% plot minimum



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