What kind of LDA performs 'fitcdiscr' function?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I know that the new 'fitcdiscr' MATLAB® function (https://es.mathworks.com/help/stats/fitcdiscr.html) can perform several discriminant analysis, such as LDA or QDA. However, the mentions about 'regularization' and 'bayesian' inside the MATLAB® help confuse me.
What kind of discriminant analysis is performed if 'fitcdiscr' uses the default parameters? Do it use Bayesian Linear Disciminant Analysis (BLDA), Fisher's LDA (FLDA), or some kind of Regularized LDA (rLDA)?
Thanks in advance, Víctor.
  1 个评论
Ahsan 2017-3-28
By default, it does 'Linear' LDA and description of 'Linear' tells that its is some kind of Regularized LDA (rLDA). See screenshot of MATLAB documentation


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