How can i plot a cantilever beam with tip mass ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can i plot a cantilever beam (fixed-free end) with tip mass on matlab ?
Please help me.

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2016-12-22
clc; clear all;
%%cantilever beam with square tip mass
% cantilver dimensions
w = 0.2 ; % width
h = 1. ; % height
% make cooridnates
x = [0 w w 0] ;
y = [0 0 h h] ;
% square mass
wm = 0.6 ;
hm = 0.2 ;
% make mass coordinates
xm = [-0.2 0.4 0.4 -0.2] ;
ym = [h h h+hm h+hm] ;
% plot
patch(x,y,'k') ;
hold on
patch(xm,ym,'k') ;
axis([-2 2 0 2]) ;
title('cantilver beam with square tip mass') ;
%%cantilever beam with circular mass
% cantilever dimensions
w = 0.2 ; % width
h = 1. ; % height
% make cooridnates
x = [0 w w 0] ;
y = [0 0 h h] ;
% circular mass
r = 0.2 ;
th = linspace(0,2*pi) ;
xm = 0.1+r*cos(th) ;
ym = 1.1+r*sin(th) ;
hold on
axis([-2 2 0 2]) ;
title('cantilver beam with square tip mass') ;


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