I wanted to throw a brief update out there about what I ended up with. Thanks to Shivang Menon @ mathworks for some technical support and guidance to use arrayfun & cellfun, I ended up getting there. I won't post all the code I went through because it was scattered across several functions, but here are the key parts to accessing the element names:
sldd_object = Simulink.data.dictionary.open('filename.sldd');
section = getSection(sldd_object, 'Design Data');
entries = find(section, '-value', '-class', 'Simulink.Bus');
% produce cell array of Simulink.Bus objects:
buses = arrayfun(@(x) getValue(x), entries, 'UniformOutput', false);
% produce a cell array of cell arrays of Simulink.BusElement objects:
elements = cellfun(@(x) x.Elements, buses, 'UniformOutput', false);
% produce a cell array of cell arrays of element names:
element_names = getElementNames(elements);
function names = getElementNames(arrayOfElements)
%%getElementNames returns a cell array of element names
function names = busElementNames(busElement)
if (length(busElement)<1)
errordlg('There is a bus with zero elements. Oops.')
elseif (length(busElement)==1)
names{1}{1} = busElement.Name;
names = arrayfun(@(x) x.Name, busElement, 'UniformOutput', false);
names = cellfun(@busElementNames, arrayOfElements, 'UniformOutput', false);