Suppose, I have the following functions:
function [f,g] = rosenbrockwithgrad(x, a, b)
f = rosenbrock(x, a, b);
if nargout > 1
g = gradient(x);
function out = rosenbrock(x, a, b)
xx = x(1);
yy = x(2);
out = (1 - xx + a)^2 + 100*(yy - b - (xx-a)^2)^2;
I need to use them in the following routine,
function [x, fval, eflag, iter, fcount] =
Optimization_With_Analytic_Gradient(a, b, start_point)
x0 = start_point;
options = optimoptions( 'fminunc', ...
'Algorithm','trust-region', ...
[x, fval, eflag, output] = fminunc(@rosenbrockwithgrad, x0, options);
iter = output.iterations;
fcount = output.funcCount;
title 'Rosenbrock with Analytic Gradient...'
Note the use of fminunc().
So, How can I do that?
My code generates the following Error
>> main
Error using rosenbrockwithgrad (line 3)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in fminunc (line 271)
[f,GRAD] = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Error in Optimization_With_Analytic_Gradient (line 24)
[x, fval, eflag, output] = fminunc(@rosenbrockwithgrad, x0, options);
Error in main (line 53)
[x, fval, eflag, iter, fcount] = Optimization_With_Analytic_Gradient(a, b, starting_point);
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FMINUNC cannot continue.