Factoran and postive definite matrix

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I wish to perform some factor analysis on my portfolio I have a matrix of returns and wish to use the factoran function to derive loading, and specificVar as per code below
[Loadings,specificVar,T,stats] = factoran(rsV_new,2,'rotate','none');
My validation matrix is 100x100. I have tested it to ensure it is positive definite using chol, and I get a value of 0 for p. This confirms it is positive definite
[R,p] = chol(rsV_new);
However when I use the the following I get an error message suggesting my input is not positive definite.
[Loadings,specificVar,T,stats] = factoran(rsV_new,2,'rotate','none');
Error using factoran (line 162) The data X must have a covariance matrix that is positive definite.
I have looked at the the eigen values and some are small, other are zero and some are even negative. Is this the issue? Does factoran not like my eigen values?
  1 个评论
John Chilleri
John Chilleri 2017-1-12
编辑:John Chilleri 2017-1-12
rsV_new does not need to be PD. The documentation ( Factoran Analysis ) has an example provided using the data set carbig, in which the X matrix is not PD. I think your input matrix might be incorrectly formed, as it requires specific dimensions according to the documentation.


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