Plot in a new figure

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Filippo 2012-3-12
Hi, I explain my problem; I have a figure with 8 subplots and i want that, when i click in a subplot of the figure with mouse, this plot should be copied in a new figure with no other plots. For the moment i do something like this:
function [] = f_wbfcn(varargin)
ch = get(gca,'children');
The subplot is copied in a new figure, but i don't know how can i copy all the proprieties of the plot, like title, legend, label, text, etc... How can i fix it? Can anyone help me?

回答(2 个)

Jacob Halbrooks
Jacob Halbrooks 2012-3-12
With COPYOBJ, you should be able to specify the highest level object to copy, and then that object along with its children will be copied:
ax = axes;
set(ax,'Color', [1 0 1]);
copyobj(ax, f);
My experience is that COPYOBJ will copy most properties correctly, but it will not copy callback functions, and there may be other follow-up work to do in the new figure, such as re-position a legend.

Filippo 2012-3-15
for the moment it's ok, but i have another question:how can i understand in witch subplot the user have clicked?There's an handle, a variable or something like?
  1 个评论
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig 2012-3-15
When you click on the subplot, the gca output will be the current axes (subplot). So
h=gca; %this is the handle to the current subplot


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