Sorting files inside a folder

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have files named
1 1a.bmp
1 1b.bmp
1 2a.bmp
1 2b.bmp
2 1a.bmp
2 1b.bmp
2 2a.bmp
2 2b.bmp
23 1a.bmp
23 1b. bmp
and so on
in a single folder. I have to sort these files in the order
1 1a.bmp
1 1b.bmp
2 1a.bmp
2 1b.bmp
3 1a.bmp
3 1b.bmp
23 1a.bmp
23 1b.bmp
1 2a.bmp
1 2b.bmp
23 2a.bmp
23 2b.bmp
and so on. Kindly help me with the syntax for this in Matlab.
  1 个评论
Stephen23 2017-1-17
编辑:Stephen23 2017-1-17
The best solution would be to name the files so that the names could be sorted by any standard sort algorithm. That would mean placing the most significant field first, and the least significant last, and using leading zeros.
Why is this a better solution? Because fixing the problem is always better than writing hack code to try and "fix" it later.
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Stephen23 2017-1-17
编辑:Stephen23 2017-1-19
This code gives the order requested in the original question:
C = {...
'1 1a.bmp';...
'1 1b.bmp';...
'1 2a.bmp';...
'1 2b.bmp';...
'2 1a.bmp';...
'2 1b.bmp';...
'2 2a.bmp';...
'2 2b.bmp';...
'23 1a.bmp';...
'23 1b.bmp';...
fun = @(s)sscanf(s,'%u%u%c.bmp').';
D = cellfun(fun,C,'UniformOutput',false);
[~,idx] = sortrows(cell2mat(D),[2,1,3]);
out = C(idx)
generating this:
out =
'1 1a.bmp'
'1 1b.bmp'
'2 1a.bmp'
'2 1b.bmp'
'23 1a.bmp'
'23 1b.bmp'
'1 2a.bmp'
'1 2b.bmp'
'2 2a.bmp'
'2 2b.bmp'
  13 个评论
Stephen23 2017-1-19
编辑:Stephen23 2017-1-19
Run all of my code, and then this:
N = 100;
Z = cell(1,N);
for k = 1:N
str = fullfile(sub,out{k});
Z{k} = imread(str);
"assign it to a different variable?" bad idea. Read this:
shivasakthi 2017-1-25
Hi Stephen,
That was great. I have also sorted my files in the windows folder using special sorting techniques suggested by the windows community. By the way, I am proposing to apply translation, at varying levels, to a set of 100 images in a folder named "chrom" in D:\. After applying the translations, I want these images to be stored in a different folder say "chrom-translate1" in the same D:\. In this way, I need to apply translations of different degrees, and store it in different folders in D:\. Kindly help me with the code for this. Thanks in advance.


更多回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-1-17
  1 个评论
Stephen23 2017-1-17
@Image Analyst: it is not quite a natural order sort, because the fields (characters or numbers) are not parsed from from left to right.


Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2017-1-18
My small contribution
x = regexp(C,'(\d+) (\d+)([ab])','tokens','once');
y = cat(2,x{:});
[~,ii] = sortrows([str2double(y(1:2,:));cellfun(@(x)x-'0',y(end,:))]',[2 1 3]);
out = C(ii)
  1 个评论
shivasakthi 2017-1-18
编辑:Image Analyst 2017-1-18
Hi Andrei,
FYI, Chrom1 is a folder that contains 5036 files of the form 1 1a.bmp, 1 1b.bmp, ....,23 1a.bmp, 23 1b.bmp,...,23 4a.bmp, 23 4b.bmp and so on, as posed in my question before.
I ran the following code along with your suggested code and got the error:
>> S = dir('Q:\chrom1*.bmp');
>> C = {}';
>> x = regexp(C,'(\d+) (\d+)([ab])','tokens','once');
>> [~,ii] = sortrows([str2double(y(1:2,:));cellfun(@(x)x-'0',y(end,:))]',[2 1 3]);
Error: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Can you help getting it sorted? Thanks for your assistance.



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