Trouble with a correlation analysis code

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm writing a code to run a correlation analysis between two variables under certain conditions. I want to see if there is a correlation between the second column and the first if the second's value is greater than 0. I wrote the following code, but MATLAB continues to print the error, "Index exceeds matrix dimensions".
clear all
indicators = xlsread('largedata1.xlsx');
X = xlsread('largedata1.xlsx', 1, 'A:A');
rows = indicators(:,2)>0; %Logical vector with the rows which satisfy all conditions.
if any(rows) % True if there is at least 1 row which meats the condition.
md1 = fitlm(indicators(rows, [2]), X(rows)); % Fit with the rows which satisfy condition.
Can you please help?
Best, A


John Chilleri
John Chilleri 2017-1-28
编辑:John Chilleri 2017-2-1
I downloaded your data and ran your code and it didn't encounter any errors for me (rows was a logical vector so rows==1 actually isn't needed like I suggested - I was testing with a double vector).
clear all
indicators = xlsread('largedata1.xlsx');
X = xlsread('largedata1.xlsx', 1, 'A:A');
rows = indicators(:,2)>0; %Logical vector with the rows which satisfy all conditions.
if any(rows) % True if there is at least 1 row which meats the condition.
md1 = fitlm(indicators(rows, [2]), X(rows)); % Fit with the rows which satisfy condition.
>> md1
md1 =
Linear regression model:
y ~ 1 + x1
Estimated Coefficients:
Estimate SE tStat pValue
________ _________ ______ __________
(Intercept) 0.056209 0.0049663 11.318 4.6459e-28
x1 0.18966 0.10075 1.8825 0.060056
Number of observations: 1022, Error degrees of freedom: 1020
Root Mean Squared Error: 0.12
R-squared: 0.00346, Adjusted R-Squared 0.00249
F-statistic vs. constant model: 3.54, p-value = 0.0601

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