Looping DateNum through Cell Array

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Lewis Holden
Lewis Holden 2017-2-8
评论: dpb 2017-2-8
I am trying to put this through code a loop and read in values from my cell array but I get an error saying that the matrices are different sizes. Is it possible to use datenum in cell arrays?
% cell containing all YYYY MM DD HH WDIR WSPD Data
date_cell = {nineteen_49, nineteen_50, nineteen_51, nineteen_52, nineteen_53, nineteen_54, nineteen_55, nineteen_56, nineteen_57, nineteen_58, nineteen_59, nineteen_60, nineteen_61, nineteen_62, nineteen_63, nineteen_64, nineteen_65, nineteen_66, nineteen_67, nineteen_68, nineteen_69, nineteen_70, nineteen_71, nineteen_72, nineteen_73, nineteen_74, nineteen_75, nineteen_76, nineteen_77, nineteen_78, nineteen_79, nineteen_80, nineteen_81, nineteen_82, nineteen_83, nineteen_84, nineteen_85, nineteen_86, nineteen_87, nineteen_88, nineteen_89, nineteen_90, nineteen_91, nineteen_92, nineteen_93, nineteen_94, nineteen_95, nineteen_96, nineteen_97, nineteen_98, nineteen_99, twothousand_00, twothousand_01, twothousand_02, twothousand_03, twothousand_04, twothousand_05, twothousand_06, twothousand_07, twothousand_08, twothousand_09, twothousand_10, twothousand_11, twothousand_12, twothousand_13, twothousand_14, twothousand_15, twothousand_16};
% Define N (no. of years)
N = 67;
% make a new cell which we will add the matlab dates to
d_cell = date_cell(1,:);
% delete 5 columns from this so it is now just 1 column
for k = 1:N
d_cell{k}(:,2:6) = [];
% make all values Nan
for k = 1:N
d_cell{k}(:,1) = nan;
% loop over and add the new matlab dates
for k = 1:N
d_cell{k}(:,1) = datenum([date_cell{k}(:,1:4), zeros(length(date_cell{k})),2]);
  3 个评论
Lewis Holden
Lewis Holden 2017-2-8
i'm a beginner I felt it was the best way to store all my variables, am I incorrect?
dpb 2017-2-8
Almost certainly not...see the comments in the other thread on same subject by a different name.


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