feedforwardne not enough input arguments error

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
I am trying to train a neural network using a "neural network" toolbox. Each time I try to run the code on my computer I get the following error:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in minmax (line 21) if length(a)==1,a=a*ones(size(x)); end
Error in initnw>configure_layer_weight (line 109) config.range = minmax(x);
Error in initnw (line 50) out1 = configure_layer_weight(in2,in4,in5,in6);
Error in initlay>configure_layer_weight (line 118) settings = feval(initFcn,'configure',net,'LW',i,j,x);
Error in initlay (line 47) out1 = configure_layer_weight(in2,in4,in5,in6);
Error in nnet.internal.configure.layerWeight (line 26) feval(net.initFcn,'configure',net,'LW',i,j,x);;
Error in nnet.internal.configure.layer>iConfigurePreceedingLayerWeights (line 72) net = nnet.internal.configure.layerWeight(net,i,j,range);
Error in nnet.internal.configure.layer (line 25) net = iConfigurePreceedingLayerWeights(net,i,range);
Error in network/subsasgn>setLayerInitFcn (line 1136) net = nnet.internal.configure.layer(net,i,net.layers{i}.dimensions);
Error in network/subsasgn>network_subsasgn (line 187) if isempty(err), [net,err] = setLayerInitFcn(net,i,initFcn); end
Error in network/subsasgn (line 10) net = network_subsasgn(net,subscripts,v,netname);
Error in feedforwardnet>create_network (line 119) net.layers{i}.initFcn = 'initnw';
Error in feedforwardnet (line 69) net = create_network(param);
net = feedforwardnet(neurons)
Has anyone had this problem before?

回答(1 个)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2017-2-12
Your code does not look familiar. Why not just try the code in the help and doc documentation of FITNET (regression/curvefitting) or PATTERNNET(classification/pattern-recognition)
Also see examples in both the NEWSREADER and ANSWERS using
greg fitnet
greg patternnet
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer


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