Simulink: Designing Ports for ARM Cortex M4

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Hi all,
i am using the Tower System with a ARM Cortex M4 from freescale. I want to toggle a LED on the Tower System. I downloaded the embedded coder and simulink coder. For arduino there are Blocks for GPIO Ports. You have only to get the support package. For the Tower System with Cortex M4 there are not GPIO Ports Blocks to use.
So i have to design my own Simulink Blocks to read and write a GPIO Port. Have someone any idea how i can do that? Or have someone any sheets where i can learn something about that?
Thank you for your help. Best Regards Armend


Michelle Wu
Michelle Wu 2017-2-16
Please find below the product page for the Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors:
I am assuming that you have came across the link above, and possibly even have installed the support package yourself. Unfortunately, the hardware you are using is not fully supported yet. According to the webpage above, you may be able to customize your own ARM-based board by using the published APIs and reference examples.
One of the fully supported hardware is TI C2000 Concerto F28M3x 32-bit microcontrollers (MCU), which is based on dual core of combining an ARM Cortex-M3 core with a TI C2000’s C28x. The support package is available for download separately. It may be a good idea to take a look at the this support package and see what you can apply to your own hardware. The product page is attached below:
Also feel free to submit a request for hardware support at the following link:
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Armend Gecaj
Armend Gecaj 2017-2-18
Hi Michelle,
thank you for your answer. I designed some drivers to control LED's and push buttons (read and write) and to configure a timer on a board. I tried that all on a arduino board and it works very fine.
Now i want to do the same for my TWR-K60 board. To design the drivers is very similiar to the drivers i programed for my arduino (atmega328p). But i can not donwload my simulink modell on my TWR-K60 board because if i go to "configuration parameters -> hardware implementation -> hardware board" there i can not choose the TWR-K60 board. Simulink does not support that board.
So the problem in my first question (to design drivers) i already solved.
But now i can not download my simulink Modell on my board because (as i have already said) in the configuration parameters i can not choose my hardware board.
Have you any idea how i can download my simulink modell on my board?
Here some pictures:
In your first answer you said "you may be able to customize your own ARM-based board by using the published APIs and reference examples" What exactly did you mean with that?
Thank you for your help. Best Regards Armend


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