App.designer to plot step response

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
jiarui zhang
jiarui zhang 2017-2-17
评论: Diego Roa 2022-11-21
In Appdesigner, I create a app.UIAxes and a app.Button, how to write a callback to use this app.UIAxes to plot a step response using the command 'step(tf)' when I push down this Button.
  1 个评论
Diego Roa
Diego Roa 2022-11-21
R = app.Resistencia.Value;
H=tf([0 1],[1 1/(R*C)])


回答(1 个)

Sindhuja Parimalarangan
You can extract the output of the step function and use the "plot" function in App Designer. Here is an example callback function for the Button :
% Button pushed function: PlotButton
function PlotButtonPushed(app, event)
tf = 1:3:100;
a = [-0.5572,-0.7814;0.7814,0];
b = [1,-1;0,2];
c = [1.9691,6.4493];
sys = ss(a,b,c,0);
[y,t] = step(sys);
This link has guidelines on how to write a callback function for a Button to plot on UIAxes.
You could execute the "step" function in MATLAB to figure out how to extract relevant data from the output of the "step" function for plotting.
  4 个评论



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