How to trim a ponit cloud

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hall marokey
Hall marokey 2017-2-19
回答: Hongxu Guo 2020-10-13
I have generated pointcloud -- ptCloud using pcfromkinect function ( as in the Matlab example) . Now I want to trim the pointcloud using
x = ptCloud.Location(100:200 ,100:200,1);
y = ptCloud.Location(100:200 ,100:200,2);
z = ptCloud.Location(100:200 ,100:200,3);
R = ptCloud.Location(100:200 ,100:200,1);
G = ptCloud.Location(100:200 ,100:200,2);
B = ptCloud.Location(100:200 ,100:200,3);
PTC.Location(:,:,1) =x;
PTC.Location(:,:,2) =y;
PTC.Location(:,:,3) =z;
PTC.Color(:,:,1) = R;
PTC.Color(:,:,2) = G;
PTC.Color(:,:,3) = B;
then pcshow(PTC)
but not working any sugesion or matlab file exchange files wiill be highy appreciated
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-2-19
I don't even know what you want to do. What does it mean to "trim a point cloud"? Do you mean crop? Remove outliers? "Trim" does not seem to be a precisely defined term in your context. Like for strings, trim means to remove leading and trailing white space. But I have no idea what you mean. Well, 2 ideas that I just gave but I still am not sure if it's one of those or something else.
Hall marokey
Hall marokey 2017-3-10
In fact I have a point cloud obtained from kinect v2. Now I want to identify objects using color information . Once identified I would like to reduce the whole point cloud to identified object only. So I search the color information in the point cloud ptCloud.Color with RGB values. I dont know how use a find command for a 3d array for color or like [i,j] = find(ptCloud.color ==[ R G B]) Thanks for help


回答(1 个)

Hongxu Guo
Hongxu Guo 2020-10-13
Just in case someone is still looking for solving similar issue
Pls look here.


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