If the compiler is successfully installed using the Add-Ons, the following command should list the MinGW Compiler:
>> matlabshared.supportpkg.getInstalled
Name Version Base Product
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------
Support for MinGW-w64 compiler 4.9.2 16.2.0 MATLAB
As the following link mentions, by default, the support packages are installed in the directory: _ C:\MATLAB\SupportPackage\<release> _
If the support package is installed correctly, it should be in this directory. To make a fresh install, you should delete the compiler from this location before reinstalling.
The most common cause of the compiler not showing up in " mex -setup " command is that the environment variables are not set up correctly. If you have installed it through the Add-On manager, the environment variables should set up automatically (unless you don't have admin privileges). The following link answers how to set up the environment variable for the compiler: