app designer special characters

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am writing my first app designer applications, and would like to use special characters, such as Greek letters. In the title of a plot, I used the TeX notation of \xi_0 and it works just fine. However, in the label of a slider, that didn't work, and char(958), i.e. Unicode, and texlabel(...) didn't either. What can I do here?
  1 个评论
Sudarshan Kolar
Sudarshan Kolar 2017-2-28
I understand that you want to use special characters as label for your slider in appdesigner.
In the appdesigner startupFcn, you can declare something like this:
app.SliderLabel.Text = char(958);
More information about startupFcn:


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