My if x ~= y statement is not working

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
I have a really simple annoying problem which I can't wrap my head around.
In my code:
for k = time
if E_load2(k) ~= Allowed_winter
overload = overload+1;
overload = overload+0;
I can see that the if loop returns the logical true even though I know that E_load2(k) == to Allowed_winter at that the certain k, and thus "overload" becomes larger than it should.
Allowed_winter = -0.5 if that helps.
Please help!


dpb 2017-3-2
== is precisely that to the LSB; undoubtedly the values in E_load2 in question are close but not identically equal. See the <FAQ> for the "why" in some detail.
For the k in question try
and observe the result; you'll find it will be something very small but not zero.
Use a tolerance on the comparison or later releases have the function ismembertol that makes writing the expression a little easier.
should do the trick (note no loop needed here).
  6 个评论
Nils Norlander
Nils Norlander 2017-3-2
Sorry, I'm pretty new to this community as I learned Matlab for my masters thesis.
dpb 2017-3-2
No problem; just wondered about the inconsistency if ismembertol did work out (as I figured it would)...


更多回答(2 个)

Adam 2017-3-2
编辑:Adam 2017-3-2
Never compare floating point numbers with == or ~=
Floats are not 100% accurate so you will run into these kinds of confusions. If you get a value that is 0.50000000000001 then it will return false even though it may have been the result of a floating point rounding error.

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2017-3-2
Why are you bothering with this line?
overload = overload+0;
The last time I checked, adding zero to something does nothing but waste CPU cycles. I sincerely doubt that your goal is code that runs more slowly than necessary.
Anyway, it is high time to learn how to use MATLAB.
overload = sum(E_Load2 ~= Allowed_winter);
No loop required.
Or, if time is just the indices of a subset of the elements of E_load2, then use
overload = sum(E_Load2(time) ~= Allowed_winter);
Finally, your problem with the test. This is likely due to the fact that E_load2 or Allowed_winter is not exactly -0.5 in some cases.
  1 个评论
Nils Norlander
Nils Norlander 2017-3-2
Thank you for your input! I knew the overload = overload+0; was unnecessary, and was simply there in a desperate way to bugtest



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