The error you're encountering in MATLAB might be due to incorrect input parameters or image size mismatches.
The “graydiffweight” function in MATLAB is used to compute weights based on gray-level differences for image segmentation tasks, and it requires specific inputs. Assuming the settings are configured correctly, follow this general method to calculate a weight map for your image:
- Verify that "s1" is a grayscale image. If it's not, convert it using “rgb2gray” if it's an RGB image.
- Ensure that the coordinates (c, r) you are using are within the bounds of the image dimensions.
- GrayDifferenceCutoff: This parameter specifies the maximum gray-level difference for which weights are calculated. Ensure it is appropriate for your image.
Here is sample code that takes into account all of the above:
% Assuming s1 is your input image
if size(s1, 3) == 3
s1 = rgb2gray(s1); % Convert to grayscale if it's an RGB image
% Check the size of the image
[rows, cols] = size(s1);
% Set the coordinates within the image bounds
c = min(max(1, c), cols); % Ensure c is within 1 to cols
r = min(max(1, r), rows); % Ensure r is within 1 to rows
% Calculate the weight map
w = graydiffweight(s1, c, r, 'GrayDifferenceCutoff', 25);
% Normalize the weights to range from 0 to 1
w = w / max(w(:));
% Display the weight map
imshow(w, []);
title('Weight Map');
For detailed understanding of “graydiffweigh” in R2017a, use the following command to access the documentation:
- web(fullfile(docroot, "images/ref/graydiffweight.html"))
Using this command will assist you in accessing the "graydiffweigh" documentation for the currently installed version of MATLAB.
Hope that helps!