Error in fir1 (line 115) Wind = chkwindow(Wind,L);

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
i'm trying to use low pass FIR filter for EEG siganl that i have downloded from but i got this error message Error using fir1>chkwindow (line 290) The window length must be the same as the filter length.
Error in fir1 (line 115) Wind = chkwindow(Wind,L); my code is: load('C:\Users\\Downloads\chb01_01_edfm.mat') x = plot(val(1,:)); Fs=200; t = linspace(0,1,Fs); fc = 32; Wn = (2/Fs)*fc; L =40; b = fir1(40,Wn,'low',hamming(L)); fvtool(b,1,'Fs',Fs) y = filter(b,1,x);
plot(t,x,t,y) xlim([0 0.1])
xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Amplitude') legend('Original Signal','Filtered Data')
how can i fix that and how can i define the downloded signal thank you


Star Strider
Star Strider 2017-3-10
In R2017a (and probably earlier versions), the hamming window is the default. You only need to specify it as:
t = linspace(0,1,Fs);
fc = 32;
Wn = (2/Fs)*fc;
L =40;
b = fir1(40,Wn);
freqz(b, 1, 2^16, Fs)
I included the freqz call so you can see that it works. It is not necessary for the code, and can be deleted.
Remember to use the filtfilt function to do the actual filtering.
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