Editing FITS file header

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
pbilgi 2017-4-3
评论: pbilgi 2017-4-6
How do you change a header keyword and value in a .fits file? Using matlab.io.fits.keyWrite doesn't work for me.

回答(1 个)

Varun Gunda
Varun Gunda 2017-4-6
The following file exchange submission will suit your purpose:
  1 个评论
pbilgi 2017-4-6
Hey, thank you for that answer! I'll take a closer look. Though it's a shame that MATLAB's built-in fitsio functions don't take care of this. I just wanted to write unsigned 16 bit data to fits. However this requires a header modification and MATLAB makes that hard or impossible.




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