getting a 90 x 90 matrix

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Shweta Naiskar
Shweta Naiskar 2017-4-11
编辑: Guillaume 2017-4-11
hello. i have a output matrix of 253 x 253. i want a small matrix of 90 x 90. how do i do that. please help.
  2 个评论
dbmn 2017-4-11
More info about the choice of the 90 elements is needed. Please specify (f.ex. interpolation, first / last 90 elements etc)
Shweta Naiskar
Shweta Naiskar 2017-4-11
any 90 elements will do


回答(1 个)

Adam 2017-4-11
编辑:Adam 2017-4-11
If you don't care which 90 by 90 elements then
will do this. As will
and a whole host of other possibilities.
  3 个评论
Stephen23 2017-4-11
@Shweta Naiskar: outputMatrix is the name of your matrix. Use whatever variable name your matrix has.
Guillaume 2017-4-11
编辑:Guillaume 2017-4-11
So, if Adam had written code to erase everything on your hard drive, you'd have tried to execute it without trying to understand what it does? Scary thought...
Maybe try to understand what Adam has written. This is very very basic matlab. You should have immediately realised that outputMatrix is to be replaced by whatever name you use for your own matrix.
If you do not understand what Adam answer does, then before progressing any further, you should go through the Getting Started with Matlab tutorial. Chapter 3 on array indexing is of particular interest to you. Again, this is extremely basic matlab that every beginner should understand.
Note: I very much doubt that the answer provided is what you want to do, but since you've provided so little information on what you want, it's equally valid as any other possible answer.



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