help for "live script"

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a problem with "live script"file. When I open a "live script" file,there is a "loading" light that is always wheel around and never disappear. I atteched a picture about with this problem
  9 个评论
Hatem Çoban
Hatem Çoban 2018-10-8
Change your region to United States from Windows settings. Than restart your PC. I've solved this problem in the same way, but the normal script files naturally do not recognize characters like {ç, Ç, İ, Ö, ö, Ü, ü, ş, Ş}.



Zoltan Morgan
Zoltan Morgan 2018-2-3
I think i've found a workaround.
Change your region to United States from Windows settings. Than restart your PC. This worked for me. Hope it helps.
  5 个评论
Hatem Çoban
Hatem Çoban 2018-10-8
Dear Aras I've solved this problem in the same way, but the normal script files naturally do not recognize characters like {ç, Ç, İ, Ö, ö, Ü, ü, ş, Ş}.
Muhammed Erbir
Muhammed Erbir 2018-11-26
Esselamu Aleykum Tüm MATLAB Camiası,
ben de aynı sorun ile uğraşırken bu sayfayı buldum ve tarih ayarlarını türkçeden, ingilizceye çevirince matlab can çekşşmeyi bıraktı ve .mlx uzantılı live scriptleri göstermeye başladı, ELHAMDÜLİLLAH,
bu sayfada bu bilgiyi paylaşanları tebrik ve insaniyete yararlı hizmetlerde muvaffakiyetlerine dua eylerim,
yaptığım adımları aşağıda hatve hatve resmettim
  1. hatve
2. hatve
3. hatve


更多回答(2 个)

Otto Hofstätter
Otto Hofstätter 2017-12-14
I solved the problem by opening the script with an older Matlab Version (2016). I copied the content to a normal script - and i leave the live script behind.

Michael Smith
Michael Smith 2022-4-6
What worked for me was changing the DNS address from the local router to and
Hope this helps!


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