can't connect to yahoo

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
c = yahoo; error using yahoo (line 63) Unable to connect or retrieve data from given URL.


MathWorks Support Team
The MathWorks Support Team recently posted an update on this issue. Here is the answer to save you the click:
“In April 2017, Yahoo introduced some changes in the protocol of their API. These changes prevented the Datafeed Toolbox from connecting to the service. The following webpage contains the workaround for this issue and instructions on how to apply the fix.
  3 个评论
Fabio Pasquali
Fabio Pasquali 2017-5-20
i have the same problem
Denis Alaev
Denis Alaev 2017-6-18
It seems that after several changes Yahoo Finance closed their API forever. The API was closed on May 15, one month ago already.
I've tested several alternatives and found that the best one for those who used Yahoo Finance. They provide raw data, adjusted closes and splits/dividends.
They also have CSV output, with very similar format for Yahoo Finance users.
Also there is a data provider, looks good, but they much more expensive, have no data for Mutual Funds and API is very different in compare to Yahoo Finance. Then you need to significantly change your code.


更多回答(5 个)

Artur Sepp
Artur Sepp 2017-4-19
编辑:Artur Sepp 2017-4-20
It appears that Yahoo have changed the http to the encrypted https. You should now create the queries using '' + requests instead of '' + requests. This solution is a bit messy than using the conventional yahoo handle in the matlab datafeed packadge. It took me a few hours to re-write my data fetching analytics...
Matlab function c=yahoo is a build-in one and cannot be overwritten with something like c=yahoo(''). So we can only wait for Matlab to update the datafeed toolbox to pick up this change from Yahoo. I hope that someone from Matlab support team would read this post and take the needed action.

Adriano 2017-4-20
编辑:Adriano 2017-4-20
Hello! I contact Matlab support and they give me a new code for datafeed toolbox. Now it works! You should do the same if you want fix the problem quickly.
  1 个评论
Adhish Aggarwal
Adhish Aggarwal 2017-4-20
编辑:Adhish Aggarwal 2017-4-20
Hi Adriano, Can you post the code that Matlab support gave you?


Alexandre Amorim
Alexandre Amorim 2017-4-30
MATLAB uses Yahoo's API under the hood. Around April 18 Yahoo introduced some changes in the protocol of their API. These changes prevented the Datafeed Toolbox from connecting to the service.
The development team implemented a fix that takes into account those changes, but the fix needs to be applied manually. To apply the fix, follow these steps:
1) Download the attached files: 'yahoo.m' and 'fetch.m'
2) Remove the following file
where %MATLAB_ROOT% can be found with the following MATLAB command:
>> matlabroot
3) Place the downloaded files in the following locations:
4) Run the following MATLAB command
>> rehash toolboxcache
>> clear classes
Now you should be able to retrieve historic and current data as usual:
>> % Current data
>> fetch(yahoo,'IBM')
Thanks to Shashank
  2 个评论
Andy 2017-6-6
Fetch may work as in your command: fetch(yahoo,'IBM')
But try this: K>> d = fetch(c,'IBM',now) Error using yahoo/fetch (line 318) Unable to return data for given security and date.
Or actually, try any example from the yahoo fetch doc page. It will fail in R2016b (patched according to the above description).
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2017-6-6
The bug report has been updated since that answer was posted.


Jeremy Shaw
Jeremy Shaw 2017-4-18
i have this problem also, worked fine last week, now fails; the API/Yahoo has a problem???
  4 个评论
Octavio Garcia
Octavio Garcia 2017-4-19
编辑:Walter Roberson 2017-4-19
....after read a post, a guy changed http by https in the URL, and now WORKS!! using urlread
[temp, status] = urlread(strcat(''...
ey,'&g=',freq,'&ignore=.csv'));% urlread2.urlread2( ... do the same
Adhish Aggarwal
Adhish Aggarwal 2017-4-19
It is still not working.


Calder 2017-4-19
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