How to save audio in .mat file

25 次查看(过去 30 天)
DSB 2017-4-20
Hi I'm a beginner in matlab and i want to save audio in .mat file how can i do that?

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2017-4-20
y = rand(10000,1) ; % some random signal
Fs = 1100 ; % som frequency
save demo.mat ; % save the data into .mat file
clear y Fs % remove the variables
load demo.mat ;
filename = 'handel.wav';
[y,Fs] = audioread('handel.wav');
% clear sound
  5 个评论
Shreyan Basu Ray
Shreyan Basu Ray 2021-10-5
@Soulaimene Jaoua change the extension from .wav to .mp3 by simply renaming the extension and then create the .mat file


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