ODE options in simulink (jpattern)

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everybody,
my system-modeling is growing very fast so I’m trying to set the ode option “jpattern” in a Simulink model for the solver ode15s. Unfortunately, I can’t find some information at Google. Is there an opportunity to set this option in a Simulink model?
Best regrets

回答(2 个)

Prannay Jain
Prannay Jain 2017-5-2
Have a look at this document and search for jpattern,

Thomas Richner
Thomas Richner 2018-1-23
Also take a look at https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/math/troubleshoot-common-ode-problems.html They mention using JPattern and give an example:
edit burgersode


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