How to configure the options of ga function ?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, i tried to configure the parametrs of ga function but i got this message.What to do ? thanks


Stephen23 2017-4-28
编辑:Stephen23 2017-4-28
The gaoptimset documentation states under the option MaxGenerations: "For gaoptimset, use Generations."
There are many other option names that are different when using gaoptions, so read that documentation carefully.
  2 个评论
houda mejri
houda mejri 2017-4-28
thanks for your response. i tried to set generations to 200 but it did give me wrong results ! and also it didn't accept FunctionTolerance!
houda mejri
houda mejri 2017-4-28
Please, i tried to simulate this code from this link and this is what i got.


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