Error using griddedInterpolant. The grid vectors must contain unique points

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I get the error "Error using griddedInterpolant. The grid vectors must contain unique points"
My script is:
%interpolating modelled at observed depth
for j = 1:length(time_obs)
T_subsurf_mod(:,j) = interp1(depth_act(:,j),T_ice(:,j),depth_obs(:,j));
T_subsurf_mod and depth_obs are both 11x8784 double and depth_act is a 201x8784 double.
I have tried using the function "unique" on my input but does not work.
  1 个评论
Adam 2017-5-3
Well, the error message is pretty explicit and seeing your code doesn't really help us with that in any way! What do you mean by using unique 'doesn't work'?



Harsh 2017-5-11
Hello Nina,
If you still need help with this, please contact MathWorks Technical Support here:
Please be sure to provide a detailed description of the issue and attach any relevant files / code / examples required to investigate the issue.
  3 个评论


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-11
%interpolating modelled at observed depth
for j = 1:length(time_obs)
[~, uidx] = unique(depth_act(:,j));
T_subsurf_mod(:,j) = interp1( depth_act(uidx,j), T_ice(uidx,j), depth_obs(:,j) );


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