Print a statement to the Command Window

10,619 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am writing a program. I want to display the statement 'job done' as the output in the Command Window. How can I do it?
  2 个评论
waleed Al-Qurashi
waleed Al-Qurashi 2021-2-16
3)What is the command that writes a message to the screen?
Hai navneet nayan,
disp('job done');
disp command is used display the string values.



KSSV 2024-11-13
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2024-11-13
To display text in the Command Window, use disp or fprintf .
disp('job done')
fprintf('job done \n')
  3 个评论
Jared MacDonald
Jared MacDonald 2023-5-17
Hi John,
There is no way to direct output to the Command Window from a live script that you run in the Live Editor.
You can run the live script from the command line; e.g., if your file is myScript.mlx, then
>> myScript
will indeed output to the Command Window (and separate figure windows). But again there's no way to redirect output from the Live Editor. This is something we are investigating, however.
Justin Bell
Justin Bell 2023-7-18
I just wanted to bump some support for such a feature with live editor. with some larger scripts that can take up to hours of runtime it would be nice to be able to push a "N% complete" or "Error Detected" flag to the window. Not required but would be nice to be able to have the same color options matlab uses for the command window, i.e. disp in default text options with a vargin for red text etc.


更多回答(3 个)

Gaurav Srivastava
Gaurav Srivastava 2019-5-26
It's not happening. How to display LHS=RHS?Screenshot (9).png
  3 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2019-6-21
Even though a and b are displayed the same, that doesn't mean their contents are the same. The == operator checks for exact down-to-the-last-bit equality. In this case, a and b are close but close doesn't count. See this Answers post for an alternative.
sidway 2021-8-13
Try to make a diference between a and b with a tolerance
tol = 1e-3
if abs(a - b) < tol


Dhritishman 2022-7-10
Use the disp function to print to the command window:
disp('job done')
job done
  3 个评论
Jack 2023-3-23
I agreen with @John Taranto. On a .mlx script disp or fprint do not return anything in Command Window, instead it is returned directly underneath the code or to the side depending on your setting. Is there a way to force the text to be displayed in the command window? Thank you in advance
Jared MacDonald
Jared MacDonald 2023-5-17
Hi Jack,
There is no way to direct output to the Command Window from a live script that you run in the Live Editor.
You can run the live script from the command line; e.g., if your file is myScript.mlx, then
>> myScript
will indeed output to the Command Window (and separate figure windows). But again there's no way to redirect output from the Live Editor. This is something we are investigating, however.


mateo 2024-11-21


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