I need help with permutations.
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for example: There are matrix m and r:
m = [1.2000 2.4000 1.3000
2.3000 1.5000 1.0000];
r = [0.2000 0.4000 0.3000];
rr = triu(ones(3),1);
rr(rr > 0) = r;
mm = bsxfun(@times,permute(m,[2,3,1]),permute(m,[3,2,1]));
K = bsxfun(@times,mm,rr + rr.' + eye(3));
This code gives me the result I want.
The values of the matrix m can vary. for example:
m = [1.2000 2.4000 1.3000
2.3000 1.5000 1.0000
1.2000 2.4000 3.0000];
r = [0.2000 0.4000 0.3000 0.4444];
So how can I write code like "[row col] = size (m)"?
I mean;
rr = triu(ones(row),1);
rr(rr > 0) = r;
mm = bsxfun(@times,permute(m,[?,?,?]),permute(m,[?,?,?]));
K = bsxfun(@times,mm,rr + rr.' + eye(row));
5 个评论
Andrei Bobrov
" m = [1.2000 2.4000 1.3000
2.3000 1.5000 1.0000
1.2000 2.4000 3.0000];
r = [0.2000 0.4000 0.3000 0.4444]; "
What result do you expect, what is the expression for K ?
回答(1 个)
What's wrong with
mm = bsxfun(@times,permute(m,[r,c,1]),permute(m,[c,r,1]));
Which, if you haven't recognized it, can be written as
As Guillaume astutely points out, the permute indices are NOT size(m)-dependent, but reflect the dimensionality of m as 2D array. The above, while cute, is nonsensical for the purpose.
5 个评论
No idea what the original purpose of the code is, and I'm not going to try to decrypt some obscure image with no associated explanation, but it's clear to me that in the original code, the dimensions to permute do not depend on the size of m. It's always going to be [2 3 1] and [3 2 1] respectively.
The only thing that would need to change in the original code if the size of m changes is the size of rr, with
rr = triu(ones(size(m, 2)));
You would of course need more elements in r to accodomate the change in size of rr.
Good catch, Guillaume! The permutations are not size-dependent but dimensional.
I didn't really try to read the image, either, and while the above will respond to OP's plea, it isn't useful. I'll scratch it altho I was kinda' proud of the flip(size()) thingie; I'd not thunk a' it before and can recall at least one instance could have used it to eliminate a temporary...
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