Hiii all, i am trying to minimize my problem n want to get the plot...program is getting minimized but plot is not coming... m sending program also n the expected plot image also....plzzz plzzz plzzz do help

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clear ; clc
syms beeta n
j=@(beeta,eta,alphas,h,delta) w0*(alpha*(2-eta)+2*sqrt(alpha)*(1-eta)*(h+M(beeta)*delta*exp(2*alphas)));
teff=@(beeta,eta,alphas) t*exp(alpha*eta^2*exp(-4*alphas)*...
for u=0:0.2:4
ueff=@(eta) u-2*alpha*w0*eta*(2-eta);
energy = @(beeta,eta,alphas,h,delta) -j(beeta,eta,alphas,h,delta) +w0*...
4*teff(beeta,eta,alphas).*quadgk(@(k)besselj(0,k).*besselj(1,k) ./...
engy=@(v) energy(v(1),v(2),v(3),v(4),v(5));
options = optimoptions('fminunc','Algorithm','quasi-newton');
fprintf('minimum Enrgy = %f \n',ymin) ;
x(p)= u;
y(p)= ymin;
p=p+1 ;
hold all


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-6
For the first u (at least), energy(0,-10^100,0,0,0) is -inf, so the search is unbounded.
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-6
编辑:Walter Roberson 2017-5-6
If you let
beeta = 0
alphas = 0
eta = 1 +/- (1/2)*sqrt(4-2*u)
then nearly everything falls out of the integral part of the expression, leaving int((1/2)*BesselJ(0, k)*BesselJ(1, k)/k, k, 0, Inf) which has the solution 1/Pi . That makes the overall energy expression,
Delta^2 - (2^(1/2)*(2 - u)^(1/2))/2 + H^2 - (4*exp(2 - 2^(1/2)*(2 - u)^(1/2) - u/2))/(5*pi) + 2*Delta*H - 2^(1/2)*Delta*(2 - u)^(1/2) - 2^(1/2)*H*(2 - u)^(1/2) + 53454369307773/4398046511104
This goes complex for u > 2 (which just means that particular substituted eta should not be done because eta would not be real-valued). But as u goes to -infinity the limit goes to -infinity. Therefore if you were thinking of allowing u to be unbounded instead of in the range 0 to 4, then your minimum would be -infinity.
The combination alphas = 0, delta = 1, u = 0, h = 2, eta = 0, goes to -infinity as beetas approaches either +infinity or -infinity
There are probably other combinations that go to -infinity. For example the same behaviour for beetas happens with alphas = 1 as well as alphas = 0 in the above combination.
At this point you should probably re-check whether you have put in the proper equations, and re-check whether there are any constraints on the variables. You have used fminunc which is for unconstrained optimization.


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