how to register a medical image in matlab

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how to register a medical image in matlab

回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-3-30
It's not easy, especially if it's a 3D image. There are lots of complicated papers on the process. For starters, why don't you start with cpselect(), a simple, manual 2D registration using user-selected landmarks. In the help, navigate to this discussion: Image Processing Toolbox -> User's Guide -> Image Registration -> Registering an Image.
  4 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-3-31
移动:DGM 2023-12-29
First, exclude all pixels that are at the edges that aren't in both of the images - you know, the black triangles that appear at the outer edges when you rotate, scale, and translate the image to make it align with the reference image. Only consider pixels that are common to both images. Then do a subtraction or PSNR or RMS error or something like that.
Sivakumaran Chandrasekaran
移动:DGM 2023-12-29
Image Analyst, Thanks and I shall try your ideas


Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor 2012-3-30
移动:DGM 2023-12-29
If you are using R2012a, you might also check out the new function imregister. This function can be used to perform automated image registration:
help imregister
  1 个评论
Sivakumaran Chandrasekaran
移动:DGM 2023-12-29
Thanks. Unfortunately i am still using 2008b. I will remember your answer and when i come to use 2012a, i will work it out


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