Can someone explain this regexp command?
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I have some code:
expr = '<Placemark>.*?</Placemark>';
objectStrings = regexp(txt,expr,'match');
This works exactly as I would like it to. However, I am not fundamentally understanding what Matlab is doing, specifically when I see the .*? I have pored over the documentation, but I am just not understanding. Would someone please be kind enough to explain what is happening?
回答(1 个)
It is quite simple:
<Placemark> % match literal string
.* % match any characters, any number of times
? % makes the previous quantifier lazy (ie *)
</Placemark> % match literal string
The MATLAB documentation explains how regular expressions work:
And we find it explains all of those parts of your regular expression:
- angle brackets are not special characters, therefore the "placemark" parts are interpreted literally.
- " expr* 0 or more times consecutively."
- " exprq? Lazy expression: match as few characters as necessary."
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