Is the comm.Raise​dCosineTra​nsmitFilte​r stateful?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I reuse an instance of comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter multiple times with the same vector, I get several different results until it stabilizes.
If I use a new instance each time, the result is the same. So it looks like the filter object is stateful, which I suppose makes sense, but I guess I expected the impulse definition to be essentially just a declaration of coefficients, not necessarily the state variable.
The first few times you run the below lines with the 4-long impulse vector, you get a different plot, and on ones with a 3-long impulse vector, the first time you run it, the plot is 8 samples shorter than the previous one, as I would expect, but subsequently running it several more times, the plot changes shape.
K>> rctFilt=comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter()
rctFilt =
comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter with properties:
Shape: 'Square root'
RolloffFactor: 0.2000
FilterSpanInSymbols: 10
OutputSamplesPerSymbol: 8
Gain: 1
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 0]')));xlim([0 32])
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 0]')));xlim([0 32])
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 0]')));xlim([0 32])
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 0]')));xlim([0 32])
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 ]')));xlim([0 32])
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 ]')));xlim([0 32])
K>> clf;plot(real(step(rctFilt, [1 0 0 ]')));xlim([0 32])
I'm just trying to figure out how the transmit filter differs from the receive filter.
  1 个评论
Mason Huynh
Mason Huynh 2021-8-6
I see exactly the same issue, which seems unreasonable as Raised Cosine Transmit Filter is a filter, and the output of each instance should not depend on previous instances.


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