Draw solid line around area in contourf

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I wonder how I can plot a solid line around areas when using contourf? I use
set(gca,'YLim',[5 15]);
to plot power versus frequency and time. In many cases I have nans so the plot has white areas as well. So, I wonder how I can plot a solid line separating the colorful areas from the white (nan) areas? It would kind of be drawing a line around areas in the figure. The power at the border between the white and the areas isn't necessarily the same everywhere (so I can't plot a line when the power equals a certain value).
  2 个评论
dpb 2017-5-29
Probably need to attach a data file folks could play with here to get any direct response...and the figure with it would help folks visualize when reading the question--save as .jpg and use the "image" button (the one in color).
Emma 2017-5-30
Thank you! I will keep this in mind if I'll ask more questions in the future.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-29
Perhaps something like
hold on
contour(t, frequency, 0 + isnan(power), [1 1])
hold off

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