corrcoef - vectors of different lengths

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
How is it possible to find the correlation between vectors of different lengths? For example:
clear all
time1 = 1 + (365-1).*rand(1,12);
time2 = 1 + (365-1).*rand(1,24);
data1 = 1 + (20-1).*rand(1,12);
data2 = 1 + (20-1).*rand(1,24);
usually I would find the correlation with:
R = corrcoef(data1,data2);
but the vectors need to be the same lengths! How would I achieve this?


Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2012-4-2
try use function interp1
data1 = 1 + (20-1).*rand(1,12);
data2 = 1 + (20-1).*rand(1,24);
d2 = interp1(1:numel(data1),data1,linspace(1,numel(data1),numel(data2)));
R = corrcoef(d2,data2)
d2 = data2(1:2:end)
R = corrcoef(data1,d2)
  2 个评论
Richard 2012-4-2
with the first method mentioned, does this basically just make data1 into 24 points instead of 12?


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